Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who we are, what we're about,

Right now, the cost of disposable diapers and wipes is at 2,655.63 from birth to toddlerhood. The cost of laundering cloth diapers for that amount of time comes in at around $585.00. While buying cloth diapers is more economical, not many low income parents have $300 to spend on cloth diapers for their little ones all at once. When you consider that the spending budget meant to cover food, diapers, and everything other then rent for a mother and child on assistance is 250-300, it seems to make more sense to pay $45 per month on a pack of disposables at the time.

-it is estimated that around 5 million tons of untreated waste is deposited into landfills via disposables every year. If we repair our worn cloth diapers and hand them off to be used again, we're helping to make cloth diapering even more sustainable then it already is.

What our group is trying to do about it:
We will get diapers out to families who need them.We are based out of Price George BC, Canada, but we can ship elsewhere if the funds are within the group or if you're able to provide shipping yourself. We will strive to get the most practical type of diaper to match the families who need them. I'll be writing a post again soon as a guide of sorts on the different types of cloth diapers there are.

-We accept donations of used, new, and repairable cloth diapers.
-We accept donations of cash in order to pay for shipping the repaired diapers if the families in need can't afford to pay to have them shipped. It will also be spent on fabric and materials to make new diapers for these families. All money donated will go strictly toward repairing/shipping the diapers out. Cloth for a Cause has a seperate paypal account specifically for this purpose.

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